
Who Am I?

Hi I'm Jay Lithy, but just call me Lithy.

Blockchain Enthusiast

I'm a firm beliver in the Blockchain and for what it stands for. I do believe cryptocurrencies should be as accepted as everyday money like the Fiat, cash, you use everyday.


I've always been a gamer, no doubt about that, but I've never really had/been able to afford the upload speeds it requires to become one. I post clips of great gameplay every now and again to hype my name up for when I do finally start becoming a part time streamer along side working as a software engineer.

Software Engineer

I have been coding since I was a kid basically, starting of by doing GBA rom hacks throughout my youth, lol, but then I took a break for a few years and since I've been activly taking part in helping the development of many Blockchain projects.


Recent Projects

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com


Conceal Network is a community driven, truly decentralized blockchain bank accessible to everyone regardless of social or financial status and geographic location. No one owns Conceal Network and everyone can participate for free.

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com


This is my playground project, forked from Conceal, and strictly experimental to test new features for Conceal.

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com


TurtleCoin is a fun, private, fast, and easy way to send money to friends and businesses.



HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com

Apex Legends

If you're a fan of Apex Legends, then this playlist is for you.

YouTube Playlist

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

If you're a fan of Call of Duty, then this playlist is for you.

YouTube Playlist

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com


This playlist is where I've featured in other videos and/or events.

YouTube Playlist